In you are constantly moving piles of paper around, and really not doing anything with the piles, it is time to really make some decisions. Here are some great reference points to keeping a correct mindset about your clutter.
If you haven’t read it yet, when are you going to read it?
Often times, we order magazines, newspapers, and other physical reading materials, only to have them collect dust. You know, dust, that gross stuff that just sits around and comes from dander and dead skin cells? Ick! If you are exhausted by looking at these pile of things that you are supposed to read, and it makes you crazy to think at all the stuff you should be reading, knock it off! You have the power to get rid of them. Yes, no matter how much you paid for them, or you think you must read them, it is time to recycle them. They are only going to grow. Why not start fresh, and relieve yourself of some crazy idea that you must do this. You do not have to, you are more important than any self-imposed belief that you have to read this or that. If you haven’t read it yet, you are not missing anything. Let it go! It is going to be OK. Do not stress yourself out!
If you have not cooked that recipe yet, chuck it
I know, you had well intended to start learning how to make peanut butter drop cookies. Your friend gave you the recipe. You put it in the pile, like 3 years ago. You are never going to make those cookies. Stop beating yourself up! Think about it, you look at the recipe, and you feel deflated. You are unhappy with how you handled the cookie recipe. You feel like a failure. Rescue yourself! Recycle it! You are more powerful than any dumb peanut butter cookie recipe.
Coupons and deal cards
You bought the deal card membership, and that was 6 years ago. Wow, that was something you well intended on using, and the $25 membership did not get used, not once. You can throw it away now, you have learned a valuable lesson. Deals are not for you. Next time the deal book or cards are being sold, walk away. You are already aware they do not work for you! And, for the coupons, do you really eat that kind of cereal? Look at the expiration date, it is expired! And, if it expires tomorrow, are you going shopping by then? If not, it is OK to throw it away. Who needs it!
These are just a couple of categories that you might have in your piles. If you see them, do not think about it. Do not make it harder than it needs to be. You are only doing this to yourself, and the clutter is making you nuts! You feel like you are losing control, and you are! It is causing you stress, and by letting it go, you are letting go of the stress.
Try it, you will be truly amazed at how great you will feel.