If you are an avid smoker, chances are you do not even think about your smoking all that much. It is just part of your daily task list, and you follow through to endure each day, not to enjoy this little crutch.
Smoking Is Not Pleasurable
If you have decided that you can quit, and you are ready, you have made this move because chances are you realize that smoking is not that pleasurable for you. It really does not make you feel good, or taste good or bring you any form of relief. It is true! If you watch yourself during this process, often times you will be unhappy during a smoking event, and find that you are not all that fulfilled.
Wouldn’t you really be more happy to find yourself anew, and forget that you have ever been a smoker? If you are really ready to quit, you can do it, with your consistent want to do so, and to let go of your smoking past, and find your non-smoking future. It will take a dedication to your quit, and an evolution to your new life with dropping off old ways and old ideas.
Are you ready to quit? Can you adopt a new mind set and let go of old ways? I do believe you can!