Do not think that you can quit smoking until you are really ready. The key to your quit, is really to have the power within you to overcome the initial nicotine withdrawal, and to be able to fight the long list of silly excuses you have built into your thoughts while you were smoking. One dedicated quit will go a long way to bringing you up into great success.
If you are growing into the idea, it is important for you to decide what you want from your quit. Are you doing this because someone has really pushed you, or are you pulling yourself into it? There is a huge difference. If you are initiating the process, you are going to have better success at the beginning.
You will need support from the people you love, but you as well will need to have the power of knowing this is the right step for you. If you are really ready, you will have such a better time of success, and will find the greatness within you very easily. You have the power to quit, and to keep your quit. It is a matter of ensuring that you are really ready that will bring you from smoking to becoming the non-smoker in you.