You have the power to stop smoking, and it all comes from your ability to decide to quit smoking, and actually follow through with this decision. This is the biggest step. If you decide to quit, you are already a non-smoker! It really is that easy!
Use your Mind to Quit Smoking
If you are ready, you have the power to stop this evil trend, and break free! How amazing would it be to not be in the chains of this addiction? Would you be happy to feel like you have power over your life once again? I bet you would be super relieved!
So, how do you actually do this? By tearing down the excuses you have built into your mind as a smoker. Stop, and think about it. You have a ton of excuses that can destroy you by ensuring you continue to smoke. You are the one that has control of this addiction! Break free from your excuses, and challenge yourself.
Excuses that are Built by the Brain that Smokes
Here are some really crazy excuses for you to start working on. Do not worry, you can find the truth to set you free!
1. I enjoy smoking
2. Smoking feels good
3. I am never going to be a non-smoker again
4. I am always going to smoke, it is who I am.
5. Smoking calms me down, and makes me calm.
6. I am much more confident as a smoker.
7. I have so much time to quit.
8. I will get fat if I quit.
9. I am going through a tough time right now, I can not quit until I get past this period in my life.
10. Quitting is for other people.
I bet I have just skimmed the top of the barrel on your excuses. If you really think about it, these are only your attempt to make your current mindset still work for you. If you believe that you really enjoy smoking, why are you so sad when you think about being addicted to cigarettes? Are you truly finding pleasure in something that rules your mind, makes you do things you wish you did not have to complete, and constantly keeps you feeling like you have to be smoking?
Keep your excuses, or change your life. You have the power to use your strength and your conviction to quit.